Controlling Bleeding After Dental Surgery – What You Can Do

After undergoing tooth extraction or other kinds of dental surgeries, you might still experience bleeding. Your dentist in New West will apply a gauze on the area before you will go home and this will help control the bleeding. It’s normal to have light bleeding issues once you get home. If you notice that you spit out pink saliva, don’t panic because this is normal for the first few hours after your surgery. But if the bleeding persists or becomes heavier, you can contact your Dentist in New Westminster BC . Replace the gauze with a fresh one and make sure to bite down on it to control the bleeding. Using tea bags is also recommended. The tannins in tea actually help in contracting blood vessel, which will then lessen the bleeding. Just make sure you apply a room temperature tea bag and bite it down for about 30 minutes before taking it out and replacing it with a fresh gauze. It's also important to control your temper. Sudden outbursts of anger can ...