What to Do If Your Dental Crown Falls Out

Dental crowns work in protecting a weak tooth. It can also help hide cavities so your teeth don’t end up decaying even more. When done by an experienced dentist in New West, you should be able to enjoy wearing your dental crowns for as long as 10 years. But there are some cases where dental crowns dislodge or fall off. Here are the things you can do when that happens: Call your dentist in New Westminster BC. Schedule an appointment with dental clinics such as BelmontDental Centre t o re-affix your dental crown or replace it when needed. While waiting for your dental appointment, you can try applying a bit of clove oil to the exposed area. The clove oil will help reduce pain or discomfort, especially if you have an exposed nerve or cavity. If the crown is still intact, go to a nearby pharmacy and buy dental cement. Apply the dental cement on the inside of the crown so you can temporarily place it back on your teeth ...