3 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Wisdom Tooth is Infected

According to statistics, 85% of people will experience a problem with their wisdom teeth at one point or another. It’s not necessary to go to a dentist in New West to have your wisdom tooth extracted if this isn’t bothering you. But if you start noticing these signs, it could already indicate an infection, which will require the help of your Dentist in New Westminster BC : Your gums at the corner of your mouth are infected. Since wisdom teeth is found at the far corners of the mouth, the swelling will start from here. Your gums will start thickening and start becoming inflamed. Redness and inflammation in this area might also start to spread in your cheeks. You’re constantly tasting something bad in your mouth. Infected wisdom tooth and the tissues that surround it will ooze out pus, which can be the reason why you will taste something bad in your mouth. This bad taste is also often accompanied by a foul odor. You have swollen ...