Is It Time to Replace Your Dentures?
Dentures in New Westminster can last for more than 10 years given proper care and attention. If it is done well by experienced denturists, it can last for a long time. But make sure you are not using your dentures in New Westminster longer than you are supposed to. You should also know when it is time to replace them. Here are some signs that will tell you it’s time to replace your dentures: 1. The dentures often go out of place and often become loose. Nothing is more annoying than having loose dentures. You need proper-fitting dentures in order to eat and chew properly. You also don’t want those embarrassing situations when your dentures fall out. 2. It’s giving you a lot of pain. Ill-fitting dentures will take a toll on the gums. Your gums might feel sore because the dentures no longer fit properly. You might also experience other concerns such as jaw aches because your jaw is stressed out trying to keep the dentures in place. 3. You can see visible signs of d...