
Why Do My Dentures Hurt? Understanding Your Dentures More

We can’t dispute the benefits of dentures in New Westminster. They can help restore your self-confidence as it reconstructs your smile. It also makes it easier to eat and enunciate words. But there might be times when your dentures in New Westminster will hurt. It’s important to understand why this happens so you know what exactly to do.  It’s Normal for New Dentures  New dentures will hurt because your gums are just not used to having a foreign object rubbing against it. For a while, you will have to deal with mouth sores and swollen gums. It’s very similar to wearing new shoes. You need to break them in by wearing them often to soften up the materials and make them more pliable. That’s the same with dentures. Give yourself time to get used to wearing them.  Your Dentures Don’t Fit Properly  If, after some time, your dentures still don’t feel comfortable and still hurt your gums, it might be time to visit your denturist to have the fit chec...

Pain from Dentures – Should You Be Worried?

It is normal to feel pain when wearing dentures in New Westminster, especially during the first few days or weeks. But when should the pain stop? If it persists, should you be worried and go back to your denturist? The longer you use your dentures in New Westminster, the more you will adjust to using them. As a result, the pain will begin to subside after a few days or weeks. However, if the pain just intensifies and this is getting in the way of eating or speaking or your quality of life is just down, you should talk to your denturist about it. You might have poor-fitting dentures and this is taking a toll on the gums. If the pain is accompanied by inflammation, significant swelling or pain in the other areas of the face such as your cheeks, you should also see a denturist.  In most cases, people get used to wearing their dentures in New Westminster after a few weeks. The pain will subside by then and you can enjoy living your life to the fullest. However, i...

How to Make Your Teeth Whitening Treatment Last for a Long Time

So, you just got a tooth whitening procedure. This procedure for dental in New Westminster helps get rid of unsightly yellow stains from your teeth. Its effects are not permanent though. If you want to make it last for a long time, here are the things you can do:  1. Stop drinking a lot of coffee or tea.   These can stain the teeth heavily. Not only do they leave pigments on the teeth, but they are also acidic and can make the teeth absorb the stains more. They weaken the enamel of the teeth, causing the stains to burrow deeper.  2. Brush your teeth carefully.  Brushing is still the most important dental in New Westminster care procedure you will ever make. It is the basic step of oral hygiene. However, many people do it incorrectly. You need to brush your teeth for two minutes to make sure you completely clean your teeth. Use a soft-bristled brush with a small head to make it easier to maneuver in your mouth.  3. Get regular dental cl...

Is Using Denture Adhesive Safe and Advisable?

Dentures in New Westminster save many people from the embarrassment and difficulties of tooth loss. But wearing dentures in New Westminster can also have a few setbacks such as the initial discomforts which can last for a few months or until you have “broken in” your new dentures. Some also experience loose dentures.  With this problem, denture wearers turn to denture adhesives. But is using denture adhesive all the time safe and advisable? It is safe to use denture adhesive. Just make sure you do it properly and as directed by your dentist from Belmont Dental Centre. However, if you are using too much of it and too often, it can irritate your gum tissues in the long run. If you have to rely so much on denture adhesives, this most likely means your dentures don’t have a good fit. When this happens, you might have more problems than just the fit. You could have issues such as sore gums as well.  Denture adhesives are just temporary solutions. If you think...

How to Make Your Dentures Feel More Comfortable

Dentures can transform the lives of people suffering from tooth loss. Losing your teeth is nothing short of devastating as it impairs your ability to eat and diminishes your quality of life.  On the other hand, dentures in New Westminster can have some drawbacks such as the discomforts during the first few weeks, or sometimes even months, of use. The key to having comfortable dentures in New Westminster is to make sure it fits well. If it feels wobbly or is too tight that it tends to chip or break your teeth, that is the time when your dentures don’t fit properly. Here are the things you can do to make your dentures feel more comfortable:  1. Keep it soaked when not in use.  Dentures can dry up when not soaked. This is why after using them, make sure you soak them in the solution your denturist provided. 2. Try using a denture adhesive.   Another thing you can do is use a denture adhesive. It helps the dentures cling to the gums better ...

How to Relieve Denture Discomfort – Some Home Remedies to Try

Wearing dentures in New Westminster for the first time can cause some pain and discomfort. As your gums get used to the new dentures in New Westminster , the discomfort will fade. But if you are dealing with it right now, here are some of the things you can do to alleviate it:  1. Use a salt rinse. Add salt to lukewarm water and use it as a mouth gargle after brushing your teeth. This is an effective remedy for reducing inflammation and easing up pain. It also has antibacterial benefits, so if you have mouth sores, too, this treatment can help. 2. Try using aloe vera.   Apply aloe vera on the inside of your dentures. This will help moisturize the gums, so the dentures don’t chafe the gums too much. It can be a soothing treatment if you have some minor sores from wearing the dentures.  3. Massage a warm cloth on your gums.   Soak a cloth in warm water. Apply it on your sore gums. The warmth of the cloth will soothe the gums and will help ...

How to Maintain Your Dental Implants

When installed properly by an experienced dentist, your dental implants in New Westminster should last for a long time. It can last for a lifetime, especially with proper care and attention. It doesn’t require a lot to maintain dental implants in New Westminster . Just follow these steps on how to maintain and take care of your dental implants:  1. Keep it clean. Your dental implants might be impervious to tooth decay but that doesn’t mean your dental hygiene should fall down the wayside. Make sure you still brush it carefully. Use a soft-bristled brush to dislodge any food residues that could be on its surface and on the sides.  Pick a toothpaste that is not abrasive. Those kinds of toothpaste with baking soda or scrubbing particles might wear down the surface of your dental implants in New Westminster. 2. Use an oral irrigator.   An oral irrigator is recommended for people with dental implants. It acts like floss and it helps get rid of the fo...