3-Step Process to Help You Care for Your Veneers
Veneers in New Westminster can instantly transform your smile. It can cover imperfections such as stained tooth that can’t be fixed by teeth whitening, chips, small tooth problems and even cavities.
When installed properly by experienced dentists over at Belmont Dental Centre, veneers in New Westminster can last for up to 7 years. But you also need to do your part in ensuring your veneers will last as long. Here are the steps to take to properly clean and maintain your veneers:
Step 1: Follow a good oral care routine.
You don’t really need to make special changes to your oral care routine. Just make sure you brush your teeth (including your veneers!) with a soft-bristled brush for up to two minutes for every brushing session. Don’t forget to floss as well to completely get rid of food that got stuck in between the teeth. A water flosser is also ideal as it can clean your veneers gently. Afterwards, gargle with an antibacterial mouthwash.
Step 2: Manage your stress.
What has stress got anything to do with veneers, you ask? It’s because stress often causes involuntary clenching of the jaw. If you are prone to night grinding, it can even exacerbate night grinding episodes, which will eventually wear down your veneers.
Step 3: Schedule a dental visit regularly.
You should see your dentist regularly in order to have your veneers checked and maintained. Your veneers will still need to be cleaned, especially the area around it.
When it comes to veneers, consider the no-prep ones. Ask dental clinics like Belmont Dental Centre what the best option is that will fit your needs and lifestyle.
To know more about Belmont Dental Centre New Westminster BC please visit our website: belmontdentalcentre.com
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