The effect of sugar on teeth and ways to refuse sugar intake


The effect of sugar on teeth and ways to refuse sugar intake

Sugar is used worldwide and is present in several food items and beverages that we consume daily. While it satisfies our taste buds, it can adversely affect our oral health, particularly our teeth. Reducing sugar consumption is very important for optimal dental health.

Consequences of Sugar on Teeth

Upon consuming sugary food and drinks, the bacteria present in our oral cavity utilize sugar as a source of energy and discharge acid as a by-product. This acid deteriorates the enamel, als the teeth's protective outer layer, causing tooth decay and cavities in the long run.

Apart from causing tooth decay, excessive sugar consumption can escalat the risk of gum disease. This is due to the buildup of plaque, a sticky bacterial film that appears on the teeth and gums, which can transform into tartar if left unaddressed. Tartar can only be removed by a dentist or a hygienist.

Strategies to Minimize Sugar Intake

Limiting sugar intake doesn't necessitate relinquishing all sweet treats. Here are some guidelines to minimize sugar consumption and uphold your teeth's well-being:

Examine food labels: Inspect the labels of the food items and beverages you purchase to determine their sugar content. Identify the added sugars, like high-fructose corn syrup, molasses, and honey.

Prefer water: Water is the best drink for your dental and overall health. Refrain from drinking sugary beverages, such as soda, sports drinks, and energy drinks, and choose water instead.

Incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet: Fruits and vegetables are an excellent way to indulge your sweet tooth while simultaneously receiving crucial vitamins and minerals. Always try to prefer fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables rather than canned ones, which usually contain added sugars.

Chew sugar-free gum: Chewing sugar-free gum can enhance saliva production, which neutralizes acid and washes away food particles.

Observe good oral hygiene: Brush your teeth two times a day, floss daily, and routinely visit your dentist new west for cleanings and checkups.


Sugar can have a deleterious impact on our oral health. However, by limiting sugar consumption and maintaining good oral hygiene practices, we can safeguard our teeth's health. Remember to assess food labels, choose water, consume fruits and vegetables, chew sugar-free gum, and maintain good oral hygiene. These minor alterations can safeguard your dental and overall health.

Belmont Dental Centre provides all types of dental services. Visit dentist New Westminster if you require any treatment. Please feel free to contact our team. We look forward to meeting you at our office at Belmont Dental Centre for your next dental appointment!


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